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I am currently assistant professor at Université Paris Dauphine-PSL.

I obtained my PhD degree at University Pierre and Marie Curie (Paris) in Algorithmic Decision Theory in the decision team of Lip6 under the supervision of Professor Olivier Spanjaard. After that I was a Postdoc at Gran Sasso Science Institute in l'Aquila. You can find here some information about me and my research.

Research Interests

My work falls in the scopes of combinatorial optimization, decision aiding, algorithmic game theory and computational social choice. I enjoy designing exact and approximation algorithms, as well as studying the complexity and parameterized complexity of algorithmic problems. I am interested in a wide range of topics as sequential decision making, voting, allocation procedures and robust optimization. Recently, my work as particularly focused on two types of problems related to social networks: either problems that are related to influence spreads; or problems that are related to interactive forms of voting procedures.


Thesis Director: Olivier Spanjaard
Co-Advisors: Paul Weng, Paolo Viappiani

Jury : Wlodzimierz Ogryczak Warsaw University of Technology Rapporteur
Régis Sabbadin INRA Toulouse Rapporteur
Yann Chevaleyre University Paris-Dauphine Examiner
Bruno Escoffier University Pierre and Marie Curie Examiner
Hélène Fargier University Paul Sabatier (Toulouse) Examiner

Title : Oracle-based Algorithms for Optimizing Sophisticated Decision Criteria in Sequential, Robust and Fair Decision Problems
Date: 11th December 2017 at University Pierre and Marie Curie
As a PhD student, I have studied the mathematical and algorithmic properties of sophisticated decision criteria in sequential decision problems (represented as decision trees or Markovian decision processes) and multi-agent decision problems (e.g., multi-winner voting problems, marriage problems). These non-standard criteria are motivated by their abilities to better model human behaviors or to account for fairness properties.
More precisely, while I have been focussing on the Weighted Expected Utility model and the Skew Symmetric Bilinear utility model in sequential decision problems, I have been studying the use of mixture operators and ordered weighted averages in multi-agent decision problems.
Keywords: Artificial intelligence; Algorithmic Decision theory; Markov decision processes; Qualitative/ordinal decision-making; Preference learning/elicitation.

  • Manuscript
  • Journal Articles

    International Conference Papers

    National Conference Papers


    Academic Duties

    I will be, am or have been a PC for the following conferences: AAMAS2021, AAAI2021, RJCIA2020, IJCAI-PRICAI2020, AAMAS2020, AAAI2020, RJCIA2019, IJCAI2019, IJCAI2018. I will be SPC at IJCAI2021.


    Interested in my research? Just send me an email.

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