Model-Free Reinforcement Learning with Skew-Symmetric Bilinear Utilities
Hugo Gilbert, Bruno Zanuttini, Paolo Viappiani, Paul Weng, Esther Nicart
UAI 2016
Abstract : In reinforcement learning, policies are typically evaluated according to the expectation of cumulated rewards. Researchers in decision theory have argued that more sophisticated decision criteria can better model the preferences of a decision maker. In particular, Skew-Symmetric Bilinear (SSB) utility functions generalize von Neumann and Morgenstern’s expected utility (EU) theory to encompass rational decision behaviors that EU cannot accommodate. In this paper, we adopt an SSB utility function to compare policies in the reinforcement learning setting. We provide a model-free SSB reinforcement learning algorithm, SSB Q-learning, and prove its convergence towards a policy that is epsilon-optimal according to SSB. The proposed algorithm is an adaptation of fictitious play [Brown, 1951] combined with techniques from stochastic approximation [Borkar, 1997]. We also present some experimental results which evaluate our approach in a variety of settings.